Shinro Ohtake - Zen-Kei Retrospective 1955-2006, 大竹伸朗 - 全景

Shinro Ohtake (of Juke/19 and Puzzle Punks) is also, as if you didn't know, an extraordinary artist in his own right. The title of the post is the name of the book published following his retrospective exhibition held at The Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, in 2006. A massive 1152 pages documenting his life and works (and no, this isn't a scan of the book ... that would be ridiculous).

To be honest, I didn't even know that it existed . Until Caitlyn / CPI commented in one of the Puzzle Punk posts that is. Luckily she bought the book and ripped the two CDs that came with it ... and then gave them to us as flac copies. It even comes with photographs. A truly wonderful thing to do!

This also feels like an appropriate time to re-up the Juke/19 boxset that Mrs Inside posted four years ago almost to the day ... just in case you missed it.

All Hail Caitlyn / CPI!

Shinro Ohtake & Dub-Hei New Chanell - Found Heat (Jyu-Netsu) & DA (2007)


Avant Garble 13 January 2018 at 02:19  

It drives me mad there is so much good shit I still haven't heard or even know of. Thank you friend.

Anonymous,  13 January 2018 at 04:56  

You've made my day! Juke/19 is a shining light, in my book. The two albums I've heard of his are bursting with creativity and humor and surprise like few others I've heard. And I've been hoping to find the other albums online for ages...the day has finally come! And these two new CDs, an unexpected surprise. Thank you so much!

And this 1152 page book!? Just as one Juke/19-related quest ends, another begins...

Anonymous,  14 January 2018 at 18:05  


Caitlyn / CPI 1 February 2018 at 03:01  

yay glad you all like it!