Gilles de Rais Order / Mania - Split

I don't know who is behind Gilles de Rais Order but the name is taken from a 15th Century French nobleman who was a convicted child serial killer. The reverse is Keith Brewer ... hurrah!

7" released on Trash Ritual in 2009.

Gilles de Rais Order / Mania


J.,  17 January 2018 at 16:19  

I believe that Gilles De Rais Order was the project of the guy who operated Trash Ritual.

Anonymous,  17 January 2018 at 17:04  

I know of Gilles de Rais because of that Celtic Frost song.

Anonymous,  19 January 2018 at 18:15  

i did read the book
about gilles and joan of arc
written by the french author micheal tournier.
a masterpiece. it is "Gilles et Jeanne ".
i did read the italioan translation
but i think it had been transleted into english too.
highly reccomended