The New Monuments - Long Pig

C. Spencer Yeh on violin and electronics, Ben Hall on drums and Don Dietrich (of the mighty Borbetomagus) on sax and electronics.

Spectacular CD released on Bocian Records in 2015.

Long Pig


Deocliciano Okssipin Vieira, aka Ochyming 26 February 2018 at 23:04  

I have this.
So good!

Here is a live concert of the trio - The New Monuments (C. Spencer Yeh, Ben Hall, and Don Dietrich) @ Issue Project Room 4-5-12 -

Anonymous,  28 February 2018 at 13:02  

so good
and thanks to Okssipin.
the channel you linked to
has a lot of wonderful music,
including jessica pavone.