Skin Crime X Wilt - The Horror Of Fang Rock

If ever a recording could be described as malign then this is it.

Gorgeously creeping and impending darkness where for added ultra-nerd points, the title references the Tom Baker 1977 episode of Dr Who of the same name. C'mon, there's even a lighthouse on the cover ... the messages are out there.

Another wonderful release from Urashima in 2018. This time it's an LP and CD set and the CD doesn't just replicate the vinyl. Ignore any similarities in track times for some, maybe the same sources but different outputs. Everything is different.

The Horror Of Fang Rock

... but we all know Pertwee's the man.


capitão sensível 3 November 2021 at 22:08  

holy shit this is awesome!!!! is there any chance you could repost some of skin crime's no longer available posts?
many many thanks in advance

Anonymous,  6 November 2021 at 19:48  

very good