Taint / Smell & Quim / Con-Dom - Perversion At All Costs

The Taint and Con-Dom discs are the post-xmas hangover cures that you would expect and need. The Smell & Quim disc includes collaborations with Richard Ramirez, Kapotte Muziek, Expose Your Eyes and Tea Culture. The prescient stand-out is the track "Matthew Bower's Shit Pump" which is either about his actual shit pump or his cliched non-educated consciousness-wanking opinion of the future of his own polity aka "I've got a future I'm happy with and the rest of you can burn". Probably literally.

Triple CD released on Red Stream in 1996.

Perversion At All Costs


Anonymous,  27 December 2018 at 20:29  

Finally Smell & QUim Geniusnessness!!! THANXXX!!!

Anonymous,  28 December 2018 at 01:04  

Monstrous upload. Don't diss Bower though.

Anonymous,  28 December 2018 at 09:22  

Oh, I'll diss Bower: http://skullflower-skullflowertruth.blogspot.com/2016/07/land-of-dragonqueen-mittensneon.html?m=1

Screw that guy.

Double Dubz 30 December 2018 at 17:38  

I’ll take Bower’s pretty consistent, and consistently interesting (recently: devotional/heretical coupling) over hack ass children attempting to (today, even) still endlessly rehash tired HN/PE cliches and “transgression” themes (yawn); misogyny etc...

Double Dubz 30 December 2018 at 22:56  

Why do you never print my comments? I think they have always been on-topic, polite, productive...thx. Liam/VA

Anonymous,  31 December 2018 at 17:18  


Taint: victimology Amber
terror is running up and down my spine

Smell&quim: possibly one of their own best teleases

Con-Dom: the beautiful trilogy is astonishing

badgerstump 31 December 2018 at 17:58  

Hi Liam

As much as it will disappoint people who visit the blog, I also have a life and there is only so much time you can spend sitting at a computer waiting for people to comment.

I think that your first point is fatally flawed. Not being as shite as other people doesn't mean that your political views (especially when very publicly proclaimed) get a free pass.

Double Dubz 31 December 2018 at 19:42  

Thanks for allowing my comments, and thank you very much for your excellent work (sharing not only the music but also your knowledge) on this blog. Best of luck in the new year to you and everyone else here.

badgerstump 31 December 2018 at 19:55  

You were never disallowed.

Happy New Year.