Odal & Uriniglirimirnaglu - Meets SS Bla!

This one's a mystery. No information, no catalog number (though it is on Nihilistic), and no clue who Uriniglirimirnaglu was. Bla!

Odal & Uriniglirimirnaglu - Meets SS Bla!


badgerstump 5 March 2014 at 18:35  

Apparently this is NhR011. The first release was in 1987 and discogs gives the NhR012 (Kapotte Muziek ‎– Gilles De Rais) as 1986 but that tape was initially released on Nihilistic's parent label (BloedvlagProdukt) and then re-released on Nihilistic.

My money is on 1987 as the year of release for this one (bear in mind that I have no money so don't expect me to pay out if I am wrong).