Rovo - Pico!

It's interesting how so many people who played in ur-Japanoise spastic rock band Boredoms ended up making ecstatic, techno-informed dance music afterwards. Even Boredoms themselves gravitated towards the disco floor. Boredoms' former guitarist Seiichi Yamamoto (aka Yamamotor) has amassed a mind-bogglingly diverse catalog of music outside his better-known gig, including free improv, garage rock and electronic dance music. Some of his best and most accessible music was made as a member of psychedelic trance-rock band Rovo. This EP is one of the earliest of that group's releases, appearing on Dohb Discs (a division of Sony Japan) in 1998. 

Rovo - Pico!


Anonymous,  30 December 2017 at 15:55  

This is fantastic! Is there more?


badgerstump 30 December 2017 at 17:42  

Hi Niles ... yep, there's a lot more coming soon!

Unknown 28 February 2018 at 21:07  

A big thank you for this amazing blog and all the great music I heard because of you...
cheers from Greece.
please don't give up