The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu - 1987 What the Fuck's Going On?

The story behind this album is legendary, so I'm not going to retell it here. Use Google. Suffice it to say that if you are aware of the duo that rose from behind the indie-rock scene in order to confuse and thrill millions of unsuspecting normals, then you already know about this hilarious proto-plunderphonic hip-hop art provocation. Maybe you've even had a chance to hear the thing. I assure you that "1987" shall live both up and down to your expectations. "1987" is ludicrous, brilliant, excruciating, obnoxious, addictive and a lot of fun. It's a shame that the band was forced to set all the copies on fire. It's 2017: what the fuck is going on??

The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu - 1987 What the Fuck's Going On?