Fushitsusha - Secret Black Box

I posted this in 2012 and resurrected it in 2016 but this really deserves to be kept alive forever. All seven hours of a Fushitsusha performance at Hosei University in Tokyo on December the 13th, 2003 spread across six CDrs in an edition of 20 that were given to Keiji Haino himself or to friends of the label owner.

If you don't have it already, take it and give it to ten other people ...

Secret Black Box


  1. It's impossible to have too much Fushitsusha. Thank you!

  2. This is great stuff, thanks a lot for making this available again! Unfortunately I found out that two tracks from CD 6 are missing (compared it with discogs). What happened to them?

  3. Thanks! Is there any hope for a lossless upgrade? Wonderful blog you got. I contribute a lot to the Inconstant Sol blog. Go to the latest posts in their contributions section. Cheers!

  4. absolutely phenomenal collection of sonic wizardry

  5. Thanks for uploading the 2 missing tracks! Best regards from Hamburg (again)

  6. Oooooooh I like this..a....lot.

  7. The likely source of this recording is a user that sometimes posts on the Dime A Dozen tracker. They have hundreds of Haino recordings of similar audio quality. Many other birthday marathon recordings as well. Nearly every year around May 3rd, Haino's birthday, they drop a handful or so of those recordings. There are a couple users on Dime that have shared many, many Haino recordings. There's a wealth of Haino out there beyond official releases, and I've yet to hear one yet that isn't worth hearing and having.

  8. and I wish I could find that Dime stuff...

  9. ... part of me wishes i could be bothered with trackers and torrents, the other 90% of me and 100% of the cats are quite happy the way it is
