Altered (States) Images

This is suitably niche, but here are all twelve of the Monthly Altered States: Live Video Selection VHS tapes released on Zenbei between March 1995 and February 1996. The images are all great but let's say that some of the camera angles don't work so well ... you'll see what I mean.

Vol. 1 - Live at Manda-la 2. ZEN-V001

Vol. 2 - Live at Silver Elephant. ZEN-V002

Vol. 3 - Live at Dampfzentrale. ZEN-V003

Vol. 4 - Live at Knitting Factory. ZEN-V004

Vol. 5 - Live at Lounge AX. ZEN-V005

Vol. 6 - Live at Manda-la. ZEN-V006

Vol. 7 - Live at Cegep de Victoriaville. ZEN-V007

Vol. 8 - Live at Big Apple. ZEN-V008

Vol. 9 - Live at Crocodile. ZEN-V009

Vol. 10 - Live at Buddy. ZEN-V010

Vol. 11 - Live at Shinjuku Pit Inn. ZEN-V011

Vol. 12 - Live at Hosei University Student Hall. ZEN-V012


  1. The performance in the first video is AMAZING. The three of them are complete geniuses. The camera angle is appropriate for mere mortals like us. Can't wait to watch the rest---thank you!

  2. What a gift! Many thanks for the Altered State posts.

  3. Mega-thanks for these, Mr. Bliss! Never thought I'd hear them.

  4. Been enjoying your blog for a long time, It seems Altered States VHS tapes volume 7-12 are no longer available for download. Will you be reposting them? Keep up the great work you do here

  5. frankly ffs.

    this host lets me post large files but they randomly disappear with no apparent logic ... so i could end up on the same repeat cycle of "link dead" "can you re-up" comments

    the only answer for the big stuff like this is to buy into a subscription ... we have always wanted this to be as free and convenient for people who might be interested in this art/culture/stuff ... but then i pay so it stays free and convenient?

    i've got cats to feed and bills to pay and music and books to buy and ye olde english grog shoppe to support ...

    i have sums to do ... but there will not be a donate button on here, so if anyone thinks that's a bright idea, don't bother.

  6. i gave in ... turns out utilitarianism sucks at this end
