Enos Slaughter - On The Shore Of Jupiter

Double Dubz left news in the last post and I've felt it hard. Marc Orleans was a key person within the Sunburned Hand Of The Man universe and he isn't here any more. I've spent the past couple of days just listening back to some of his work. As a Sunburned fanatic, I own most of their releases and more or less everything else Marc played on. If you are not too familiar then take the hint below and listen to some of his work with them ...

From the Sunburned facebook page: "Wild Animal [is] a great example of Marc Orleans's amazing guitar playing. This was meant to be an LP but nobody remembers what happened. Marc foamed at the mouth to play, he WAS music. Our bandcamp page has just been rearranged and the top 13 releases all have Marc on them and they'll all be free (as they were, except for 2 titles) to check out or download for the rest of time... There may be more with Marc on them up there but memory is dull at the moment. Please enjoy and remember Marc. He is loved by us all."

This has Marc on guitar alongside David Shuford (aka D. Charles Speer and a member of No-Neck Blues Band and Egypt Is The Magick # amongst others) and Carter Thornton (whose collaboration with Kiyoharu Kuwayama & Rina Kijima and a bit of his work with Zashiki-Warashi I posted a long time ago).

Long-form smokey psychedelic jams on a CDr released on Sound@One in 2005 and bought by me then.

On The Shore Of Jupiter


  1. Thx, awesome...I was a pretty dedicated NNCK fan in this era (saw them live around NYC gotta be near 30+ times, 2000-2013) and have most documents in that orbit, but not this one!! NNCK and SBHOTM started around the same time (1993/1994), and of course would go on to overlap and collaborate etc. They had similar aesthetics and sounds, sometimes, but NNCK developed into a very stable lineup, rather unlike SBHOTM, as far as I understand...

  2. Cakigari:

  3. wizard johnny jewel6 July 2020 at 09:23

    This is a great one. And not merely because the project is named after my favourite player name in the history of baseball.
