Jojo Hiroshige - 生きている価値なしBox

If your reaction is "who's he?" then you are definitely here by mistake. Goodbye. This is a set of his (more or less) solo work from between 1997 and 2004 with the glorious additions of a remastering of a very rare 5th Column tape (5C-11 btw) and a 40+ minute live gig from 2012. Right, so yeah, a bunch of regretful ballads and reminiscences? What do you think? This is the man who has been the central pillar of Hijokaidan for 40 years ... he builds castles out of carnage and is a complete legend.

This was a ten disc release but this doesn't have the two DVDs that came with the set. Yeah, I know. You'll just have to make do with a flac rip of the eight CDs that were jointly released on Youth Inc. and Alchemy Records in 2013. As far as I can tell it is out of print and sits firmly in the scalper marketplace.

Jojo was a man

who leaned against a woman

but he knew it couldn't last.

Get Back Jojo!


  1. Brutal, thanks. Resting on a barechested lady = harsh noise, probably.

  2. Fantastic!! thanks!!
    never not in the mood for some Jojo action - Yoshiyuki and Masayuki both legends.

  3. just noticed his 2000 album features the same cover and its title roughly translates to "I want to die like this."
    Nice reference to Masahiro Shinoda's Double Suicide, sir!

  4. Caligari:
    i spent last night
    burning my ears
    with such a beautiful noise!

  5. WHOA thx!! PS--rest in peace Marc Orleans, formerly of Sunburned Hand of the Man (a lot of their archives is presently free/pay-whatever on BC). SO many in the NY and Boston music communities are mourning this great loss. Of the many tributes on FB/etc, Kyp Malone had one of the best:

    Marc Orleans died by his own hand Thursday June 25th 2020. It might sound insensitive to focus on that aspect of his death, as we all die one way or another eventually, but it matters. He wasn’t an easy person, he wasn’t having an easy time, in this very uneasy time especially. I’d known him to express suicidal ideation with a regularity that would actually anger me back in the day. It felt like he was holding himself hostage and I didn’t know how to help. That feels fucked up to admit in this moment but when you’ve gone around and around with someone on this tip as an untrained no credentials having “good listener” you can hit a wall, but you can also be a friend. Marc Orleans was my friend and I loved him.
    I met Marc at an improv session at some kids from St. Louis’s loft in East Williamsburg in 2000. There were at least 11 of us there playing over one another in a situation that felt far too loud to have been particularly enjoyable for anyone involved. He was playing a gibson firebird through a fender twin. I remember him being very direct and excited suggesting that he and I and Kevin Shea who was also there get together again and play. I was new to the city and had not found many folks I gelled with creatively so I was grateful for his enthusiasm and openness. I came to find hilariously that the volume of that first improv session was likely to a great part coming from Marc. As I’m sure you’ve heard “a twin doesn’t really start to turn over if you’re not pushing it at least past 4 on the volume potentiometer” which depending on the living room or basement you’re playing in leaves very little sonic room for much else. So we, Marc Kevin and I started a band called Fall in Love. Marc lived on Grand st. back then two and a half blocks from where I’m currently sitting. We practiced for a while in his apartment which was on the top floor of the building that was soon to hold the club Lux, the apartment directly below his was running guns into the neighborhood and eventually got raided. We played together for nearly three years until I got too busy with Tvotr and that bands heavy tour cycle. He’d already been in the Massachusetts bands Spore and Juneau, he played with Sunburned hand of the Man, played some with Meg Baird, D Charles Speer, a fixture for years busking the NYC Subway, I know more recently he was working with a blue grass band. I’m not capable of making a complete list of his musical offerings...

  6. ...He stayed busy. I said Marc wasn’t an easy person and if you knew him I can’t imagine you’d argue that point. Tonight a mutual friend described him through tears as being so relentlessly himself that even while he could make you want to pull your hair out you still had to respect his singularity. He could talk your ear off in a way not many others I’ve ever met could match in that he required and could often command your full attention regardless of the surrounding situation. You could be in the middle of something akin to open heart surgery and if he needed to talk to you about something he would just squeeze in between the nurses and in a full outside voice let you know. It could be a lot. I saw this kind of thing alienate lots of people. It contributed to his loneliness and isolation. I know this all might sound cruel but I’m trying to honor him by remembering. So I’ll also tell you that he was sincere to a fault. He was honest to a fault . When he wasn’t running circles in his own head he was very funny and generous and loving. And for sure he was beloved. And he loved music. Like in the deepest form of respect and dedication to its history craft and execution. I saw him go deep over the years from electric guitar to lap steel to pedal steel to mandolin with a laser focus, obsessively practicing and playing, but not without joy. I remember seeing something he was doing with Dave Shuford at the old Zebulon. I hadnt heard him play electric in years as he was getting deeper into traditional american music but he was playing his old sound with the influence of the older sounds he’d immersed himself in and the result was approaching the transcendent. I found myself tuning into his live streams on social media over this last year listening to him play solo mandolin while I cooked or cleaned the kitchen. I liked to hear him sing and wish he’d done it more. Half of the very few guitar lessons I’ve taken in my life were from him. Something like 10 years ago he started working in what seemed like a very niche area of the film world operating the cranes that held the cameras for whatever type of shot you’d need that for. I was happy for him because it seemed to promise to alleviate some of the economic anxiety he’d been experiencing when he was primarily gigging and busking to cover his expenses. Of course through Covid productions were halted and so were gigs. That was weighing on him when I talked on the phone with him last. As was the isolation of quarantine and the ambient fear of getting sick. I can’t speak towards all that he was feeling and going through but clearly it was a lot.
    I know that this man Marc Orleans, musician, husband, brother, son, fly fisherman touched a lot of people, left a deep impression on a lot of people. Shared a lot of beauty with this world. There is an abundance of fear, panic, uncertainty right now. Plenty commanding our attention right now. If you knew Marc though take a moment and remember him. Pour one out for him. Play a rag or raga for him. Sing an old timey song or leave your guitar turned up leaning against your amp and send up a feedback prayer for him. He was a hard one but he really gave it his all. If you didn’t know him I bet you can think of someone this description reminds you of in your life. Hold on to that person. Hold onto each other.

    tel:1-800-273-8255 national suicide prevention hotline

  7. Sorry DD ... i thought I had acknowledged Marc's exit

    He means a lot to me ...

    Just wanted to belatedly say ...
