Les Rallizes Dénudés - Volcanic Performance

I really thought that I'd already posted this. It wasn't until I received a request that I realised that I'd imagined it. Initial quantities came out with the Laid Down '76 Again disc as a bonus.

Five CD set released on Univive in 2008.

01 1975.11.03

02 1976.07.25

03 1976.07.25

04 1979 Etcetera

05 Laid Down '76 Again


  1. Another week's supply of LRD.

  2. Calligari:
    all hail lrd!

  3. Who would've believed that there would be so much LRD!? It's almost too much to take in ... and where the hell did you get that live Seijaku bonus CD from? The nerdy completest in me has pined away for years for it ... As I often hear them say on TV's 'Love Island' show, 'I can't get my head around it'. Thanks!
