Ophibre - Approaching the Ionized Piezo Kiosk

Ophibre keeps a very low profile. You may not have heard of him, so consider this post and the forthcoming deluge to be a public service. It's the project of Benjamin Rossignol, an artist who lives in Boston Massachusetts and builds synthesizers. Much of his music is a subtle or unchanging drone, sometimes a background hum and sometimes raw and overpowering. He's put out albums on Excite Bike, 905 Tapes, Intransitive Recordings, Kendra Steiner Editions, Ghetto Naturalist Series, Ruralfaune, but most Ophibre is self-released on his own Oph Sound imprint. This album came out in 2009 as a CDR on Ear Jerk, a label run by one of the Davenport guys.

Ophibre - Approaching the Ionized Piezo Kiosk


  1. Untitled Drones For Iron Dioxide is a really good release, so I can't wait to hear this one. I'd also be glad to upload the one I mentioned for your blog if you'd like it.

  2. my malware program keeps rejecting this download...says may contain malware.. download fails every time (tried 3x)

    might want to look into that...

  3. Hi Gog ... check the comments in the post below!

  4. Hi anon ... neither of us have Untitled Drones and we would really love to hear it! Please upload!

  5. The zippyshare issue is with FIREFOX, not zippy, not virus, but firefox. They are integrating malware (or maybe pirateware...") extensions into their browser natively. Perhaps they are more than a little hep to 99.999999999999999999999999999% of .rar and .zip files typically contain pirated media. Wouldn't that be a hoot.

  6. Here is more to read on download blocking:

  7. Ironically I had ordered this release in physical form. It arrived with a huge crack in the CD. Bleak Bliss saved the day by putting this up. This is the best noise blog. Period.
