Verdenskang - And It's There

Nigel Jacklin must have been a visionary (or at least a splendidly precocious and subversive young man)! Whilst a student at Oundle School in Peterborough, he managed to convince his music teacher to book Throbbing Gristle to play at his school. Imagine the look on the teacher's face when he realised what he had agreed to! That gig (on the 16th March 1980, stands as a classic bit of live TG). Nigel went on to start Alien Brains, switched briefly to recording under the name Verdenskang and then appears to have disappeared from our timelines. Whilst uncredited, this also contains David Jackman, Meat Means Bloody Murder (aka Philip Rupenus and Richard Rupenus who you will also know as founder members of The New Blockaders) and Philip Sanderson.

Cheers Nigel!!!

C60 released in 1985 on the Italian ADN label (who were also responsible for the classic Out Of Standard!! series of tapes).

... and tomorrow, everybody say hello to perezprado!

And It's There