JLIAT - Noise

I figured I'd begin my participation on this fine blog with a bang, quite literally.  These recordings, allegedly culled from the archives of someone who produced early films of them, are said to be of four nuclear tests conducted by the United States in the 1940's.  They were assembled by the enigmatic UK drone/noise provocateur James Whitehead aka JLIAT.    While I can't vouch for the legitimacy of the recordings  (watch one of those videos taken from a boat offshore of an island volcano erupting on youtube and you'll see what I mean), the sheer ferocity of this noise is astonishing, especially given the recordings may be half a century old.

Released in a tiny CDR edition on the now defunct Edition... label in 2002.



  1. a warm welcome!


  2. Caligari:
    not bad

  3. Are you all daft? I'm sorry, but this is quite bad. It literally sounds like the same sample put through various hi/me/lo-pass filters, with the gain dial being turned up at the same point in each track. So basically, it's the same track with EQ changes for each variation thereafter.
    I find it HIGHLY suspect that this comes from the 1940s, especially since this is JLIAT we're talking about: this is exactly the kind of shit he'd pull. I mean come on, he's not THAT old.
    The only good thing about this release, other than it's short, is it's honesty: it is noise, I'll give it that. It's just a shame that it's very lazy, mediocre noise that pretends to possess greater meaning and antiquity than it really does.
    It's even more of a shame that, apparently, at least three people have fallen for it.

  4. There is nothing in the post to suggest that JLIAT was actually present in the 1940s with a little microphone recording American nuclear testing. To think that is the case is pretty dumb. Ever heard of the idea of "source material"? And to be honest it really doesn't matter if it is only "the idea".

    What did JLIAT do ... steal your girlfriend?

    It's much more of a shame that you choose to not have a name!

    What lengths do you go to when you have actually an opinion? Go and have a nice warm bath ... with candles and everything...

  5. damn, the bomb...and now we had in our hands the option to end it all...top that mofos...

    btw, hello perezprado, good stuff and it wasn´t easy to dance to...
