va - After Life

Solid early 1990's compilation CD on the Portuguese Fast Forward label with no real unifying theme or even sound, though it leans toward industrial darkness and romantic ambience. It's a well-curated album, an engaging listen from start to finish. "After Life" include excellent tracks by Paul Lemos (of Controlled Bleeding, one of my favorite bands), Dive (thankfully instrumental, so you don't have to endure his megastupid worse-than-high-school-poetry lyrics), Bourbonese Qualk (two slinky songs that wouldn't be out of place on "My Government is My Soul"... oh and by the way, this band has generously made their entire discography free to download at their website!), Nouvelles Lectures Cosmopolites, Omala and Attrition. Other contributors include Portuguese bands Croniamantal, Subitto (aka Joao Duarte, who compiled this album), and The New Hard Noise Heavy Rock Cyber Speed Sonic Metal Punk Acid Sound, which is a really dumb name for a band whose music is actually pretty good.

va - After Life

1 comment:

  1. Caligari:
    that one really drove me crazy.
