Family Sex - At The Refectory

The only thing that I know about Family Sex is that one of them is Karl O'Connor who records as Regis. What appears here was originally recorded at gigs in 1986 and 1987. It is like turning up at a venue to find out that it is already sold out and you have to listen through the brick wall. Early '80s Sheffield style synth punk laid out on a bed of Suicide's Ghostrider. Very entertaining ultra lo-fi.

This C44 was the first tape released on Krokodilo Tapes in 2013. The label is a tape only subsidiary of Blackest Ever Black. Both imprints offer the most diverse and entertaining output I've heard for years. They tend to sell out immediately. I'm on the mailing list so get a heads up but sometimes even that is not enough. Krokodilo seems to particularly suffer from the scourge of the tape flipper. Their output ends up straight on Discogs at massively inflated prices. I've seen all three of the tapes that I have posted "offered" at £50 each. I hate such people. I told him exactly how much! Anyway, keep an eye on both labels and go to the BEB Bandcamp page as well.

At The Refectory

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