Musica Transonic - Works (?)

You will know that Musica Transonic are Asahito Nanjo, Makoto Kawabata and Tatsuya Yoshida.

I've been tracking La Musica for years and years and it has driven me crazy!

One of my new year's resolutions is to give myself a break and stop trying to track all of this stuff down. These are all of the "works" Musica Transonic that I have alongside all of the other "unofficial" releases I have. They may form part of the Works boxset, but probably don't. They are not part of the other La Musica boxes that I have already posted.

Do What Thou Wilt!

Works 1: Freecore Hardsonic Live with Yamataka Eye

Works 2: Kali 1999

Works 3: Monster Improvisation

Works 5: Psychedelic Freedelic Sounds

Works 6: Freedelic Transonic

Works 7: Officium Defunctorum

Euro Rock Boogaloo

Euro Speed Freedelic Boogie

Musica Transonic & Yamataka Ai

Studio K7

Live @ Seikazoku, Nagoya, Japan. 30-04-1997

See you next year!


  1. Mega-Thanks, Your Blissness!

    Having requested it a while back, I tried to find album names for you (and failed).

    I'm glad to see you posted this. Thanks for sharing so much hard-to-find music from La Musica.


  2. Thanks for sharing all of this great music

    Happy New Year

  3. lizard johnny jewel31 December 2011 at 18:21

    O my... this is a.w.e.s.o.m.e. (give me time to invent the appropriate acronym definition.)

    Would it be a sensitive (or perhaps merely stupid) question to ask if there's a Works #4?

  4. good lord. We only have so many hours in the day!

  5. Caligri:
    i really appreciate
    this post.
    the 2012 begins very well

  6. oh... my... gawd!

    also: at a High Rise show, I once noticed Nanjo selling, next to all his dubiously-authorized CDRS, a rock. An actually mid-sized stone. The tag on it said: "Psychedelic rock, $50". No joke.

  7. not at all surprised he tried to sell a rock... was a ten disc "unofficial" boxset ... just can't quite pin down which of the others (if any) are 4 or 8 or 9 or 10.

  8. Thanks for these re-ups, just now rediscovered your blog. Blown away.
