Jim O'Rourke - All Kinds Of People: Love Burt Bacharach

...and when you are all bloated with egg nog...try this for dessert!

Jim with a range of Japanese artists covering Burt's classics!

You even get Masaya Nakahara (Hair Stylistics, Violent Onsen Geisha) handling vocals on track four.

The full list of contributors is here

All kinds of Burt remind me of you

Merry Christmas Wierdos!


  1. Caligari:
    i hope you posted as a joke.
    it's the worst post of all time!!!
    if you weren't joking, hava a nice
    new year eve!
    see ya next year

  2. I have to hand it to you. I have always loved Bacharach but did not listen to his work much because it was simply too uncool. Thanks to Bleak Bliss and Jim O'Rourke I can get away with it now and look ironically cool. Merry Weird Christmas right back at you!!

  3. I love dione warwick...and this fabulous blog !! Thanks for all the great stuffs!
