
Yep...I'm gonna be keeping the blog up and running! J and (latterly) I put 1 hell of a lot of work into Bleak Bliss and it seems a shame for it to disappear. Not sure which direction it's off in but the discog style takes a shitload of time and energy, especially for one person. Most likely that a discog style post will drop followed by a series of single or themed releases to keep things rolling whilst I'm working on the next discog stylee. Between discog types, will be trying to post stuff that doesn't appear elsewhere. We'll see...

Gonna be using Megaupload for now for 4 main reasons...I've already got an account; you get a downloadspeed of 300+ on one download; their download manager is pretty ace (and you can use it for rapidshare as well); and I've never had an issue with it when using it for downloads. Things may change...but please, let's not start the filehost debate again because it's dull dull dull. Would rather talk about music tbh...Will reup J's files as they start to drop out if peeps request.

Sunroof! coming on Saturday...


  1. great news j, I'm glad you're going to keep the blog alive. Really looking forward to the Sunroof post. Are you still plannign a Lasse Marhaug Discog?

  2. Jesus...looks like i'm pissing into a strong wind...ffs!

  3. just realised i addressed that to 'j' and not you, badgerstump...sorry about that!

  4. THanks for keeping the blog running! Looking forward to the Sunroof! post.

  5. That's great to hear Badgerstump!! Will be looking forward to the up coming posts. Cheers.

  6. YAY!
    Keep on stumpin', Badger

  7. Good! You are doing fine things for the world.
