
Due to a deadly combination of Rapidshare turning into a sack of wank and me not having the time due to my job and my label, i'm packing this blogging deal in. I'm not going to delete it, i'm going to leave it here so you can download everything til they expire. Badgerstump might carry it on, it's his call really. Either way i'm not deleting it.


  1. Sorry to hear that!! It's been an amazing blog, and will be sorely missed!! All the best to you!!

  2. Sad to see you go. There was always quality stuff getting posted here. Good luck with future endeavours!

  3. when was rapidshare not a huge sack of wank? anyway, good job with all of this, for as short lived as it was, you posted a few years worth of stuff (for less ambitious types) i mean really..what a ton of great stuff you posted. best,

  4. Really sad news, this was one of the best blogs around. but thanks for all the work you've put in to the blog, and thanks for all the great sounds I've discovered along the way

  5. Big THANKS for all the time and effort you've put into this blog.
    An extra special thanks for doing an early post on my solo material as Carl Kruger.

    If my account with mediafire went out I'd be completely done...
    so I appreciate the fine line we bloggers tread with file hosting.

    BEST to you in your future endeavors and thanks again!

  6. Sad to hear that, but thanks a lot for what you've done! I wish you all the best!

  7. Thanks for all the music you've posted here, have found tons of stuff from this blog I haven't seen elsewhere. Sad to see you go but thanks again and wish you all the best! I hope Badgerstump keeps the blog going.

  8. Very big THANK YOU for such a great blog! And thanks too for leaving it up, whether it be for a gracious gradual decay or (hopefully) for its greatness to be carried on through some other resuscitation : )

  9. Has been a mindblowing halfyear plus in company of this blog tyvm :)

  10. I echo the sentiments of the above. Sad to hear you're fed up with it, as understandable as that is; thanks for shining a light these artists. :)

  11. thanks for all the work- AND taking requests!
