Pink Chunk - Abstracted Bar

Daniel Dlugosielski and John Olson in their much-feted non-jazz Jazz Band.

A double tape set from 2013 released on American Tapes in an edition of 40. It's AM939 btw.

"Live @ The Abstracted Bar, Fall Sessions"


  1. This is glorious, thank you. Extremely grateful that you are probably the only person besides olson who has so much American Tapes stuff

  2. ... I have literally hundreds more to go and a couple or three shoe boxes full of tapes that I haven't had chance to rip yet ...

    AmTape nerds of the world unite and make the world a better place by materialising more Olson love into the world ... there you go, global conflict sorted.

    ... admittedly difficult to fit into a catchy chant .
