Deterge - Gestation

There's a bloke called Steve that runs Industrial Coast and he is a shining beacon on this stinking isle. I always go to gorp even if I can't justify the wrath of hungry cats by buying everything. A few days ago, I got five Fusty Cunt tapes from him at a lovely price. It will take me a while to get around to listening to them, never mind sorting a decent rip.

However, it's always a good time to remind people that Fusty is a stunningly good (harsh) noise label. It's run by Jim Haras. He records as Deterge. I love him. Here's one he prepared earlier.

A three tape set on Fusty Cunt from 2013.

will you keep it, will you keep yourself


  1. Did you nab that Dave Gilden cs set? I guess it is still coming on a larger cd edition?...

  2. Thanks a ton. I'm a big fan of Deterge (and Bleak Bliss, of course). Best wishes to you and yours!

  3. Deterge/jim do/does no wrong, thank you very much!

  4. Great name for a label.

    Really transgressive.

    It'll shake this septic isle up and help to free Palestine.

  5. Caligari:
