The Henry & Hazel Slaughter Experience - Praying Mantis Brain

At the other end of the catalogue (and calm down, it's not the lingerie pages) lies this little jewel from John Olson. Sitting on the message board waiting for the next AmTapes release was frequently a "what do you mean it's gone, I didn't even blink" rollercoaster. Then there was the foreboding that there were only going to be another 15 releases left before the shutters were closed after AM999 (AM1000 was a party and my invite was lost in the post ... still waiting for the apology). Fuck me this is 10 years old. The policemen get younger and everything seems like yesterday ... all hail entropy!

A C52 released on American Tapes in 2013 in an edition of 30.

It's AM984 btw ...

michigan castle magic

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