Masayuki Takayanagi New Direction Unit - Mass Hysterism In Another Situation

A likely tale ...

But, as I said two and a half years ago: "Oh damn! This is a stripped down armour plated beast of a recording. Think of the Hijokaidan end of the free jazz spectrum. Masayuki Takayanagi and Akira Iijima on guitar and Hiroshi Yamazaki on all manner of Satan's bongos. Recorded live at Kid Ailak Hall on August the 14th, 1983."

CD released on Jinya Disc in 2006. This time it's flac.

i'll climb this blinkin' ladder till i get right to the top


  1. Perfect description of this ripper, thank you!

  2. Badgerstump, you do realize you just created the best artist name of the last 25 years with Satan's Bongos, right?

    I remain,

  3. This made my morning - thanks for sharing!

  4. Caligari:

  5. @ thee marsupial lord

    you do realise that i invented that two and a half years ago but you've only just noticed :)

    i'm so far ahead of my time!

    anyway ... some proper nice stuff coming in the next few days!

  6. Ah yes, there it is in the first sentence. But then time isn't really linear, is it. "Some proper nice stuff" beyond this perfection? How can it be.

  7. Thanks very much - any chance of re - upping some Arthur Doyle? I have the live in Japan with Mizutani on guitar but if I grovel would you put some more up?

  8. grovel? really?

    it's been on the front page for nearly fourteen years. if that is your version of entertaining then you can go and get to fuck!

  9. Harsh but fair... I will not look directly upon you.

  10. i charge extra for bit wobbling ... invoice for zero pounds on the way.

    failure to pay within 14 days means the price doubles etc

    got myself a pretty spesh business model going on here!

    erm ...

  11. Lovely, thanks!
