Freddy Fresh - Chupacabbra

In a change from our usual sponser: I've loved Freddy Fresh for creeping on 30 years. Only saw him play out live once ... I think it was about 1999 in Liverpool on the Friday at the place that did Creamfields at the weekend. The only place I've been offered speedballs for sale on the way in ... but that's the scousers for you! Anyway ... fucking adorable latino hip house hop tech with the big beat bonus of Bassbin Twins / Propeller Heads remixes.

The expanded CD EP released on the magnificent Harthouse label in 1997.

suck my goat

1 comment:

  1. Hey kids, the Wayback Machine still works! Quaint bordering on adorable in all the innocence of its time. Blessings and thanks for the happy disruption.
