Sun City Girls - God Is My Solar System

Shall we go in this direction for a while?

"A collection of early Sun City Girls recordings, mostly improv-diverse.... a sign of things to follow although unique in comparison to later works."

The first of the Cloaven Cassettes ... a C60 released in 1987.

solar city systems


  1. Looks like the right direction to me. Many thanks!

  2. Snagged the vinyl reissue when it came out, but yes my mobile copy could use and upgrade, thx! Talk about "completist"...

  3. I bought that as well. However, the Eclipse vinyls weren't full reissues of the tapes even though they were regarded as such. That double LP (for instance) only has about 50% of the material on it. It misses quite a bit of GIMSS and then splits Side A of Superpower into 2 tracks due to the length and omits all of Side B. Spoiler, but that tape is coming on Sunday so you can hear for yourself. Might follow up at some point with those vinyls. Talk about "completist"...

  4. Thank you very much!

  5. Caligari:
    oh yeah
