Eugene Chadbourne - Country Music In The World Of Islam Volume XV

Plain and simple: I adore Eugene Chadbourne.

I've only been lucky enough to see him play once ... thirty plus years ago alongside Jimmy Carl Black (but it wasn't billed as a Jack and Jim Show). I actually got to see the only Indian in the group one more time as part of The Muffin Men (very enjoyable it was too). Anyway ... Eugene has some friends on board this time as well.

LP released on Fundamental in 1989.

there is still no god ... it was just the devil giving you hope


  1. I, too, adore EC! I have been fortunate to see him perform live several times. I have this title on cd, but appreciate your post nonetheless. Great blog, thank you! I look forward to future posts.

  2. Caligari:
    so cool!
