Lemon Kittens - We Buy A Hammer For Daddy

"Lemon Kittens were founded in Reading, UK, in the late 1970s by Karl Blake. By placing an ad in the Sept 1979 issue of Industrial News, he met Danielle Dax, who would initially provide artwork and then later become a full partner in the band."

Yeah, still alive ... but y'know, the world trophy of kick a ball is on and I've gone back to reading manga and graphic novels. So whatever. Pretty sure I have posted an mp3 of this a while ago. So whatever.

I simply ADORE this recording! This has been one of those build yourself a badgerstump keystones ever since I first heard this some time in the late 80s? It's quite easy to say that this is quintessentially English in the most subunderground terms. Stand up and bow down ... and if this is the first time you've listened to this, hold on tight and believe!

An LP on United Dairies in 1980 and then a CD reissue on Danielle's Biter Of Thorpe in 1993. I own both. This is a flac rip of the latter.

BTW, fuck Donate buttons!

Stop, Kitten time!


  1. Yeah, the Kittens are pretty swell. I need to spend more time with these critters. Leave the door open + thx!

  2. Not a Desperate Request8 December 2022 at 09:53

    I would sell my left kidney for a reupload of the "Music Made with Balloon and/or Needle".

  3. So good. Thanks.
