Fossils - Memory Box Vol. 2

This huge collection covers a lot of ground: the Archive 1 CDr (which was itself a collection of parts of rare tapes and live performances, the aural contents of the Fossils & The Broked Leg Ensemble dvdr, live sound from the gigs on the Whale dvdr, the "Romancing The Stone / Jewel Of The Nile" tape that came out in 2006 in an edition of 11 (tagged here as part of the Terror Tapes series, but I'm pretty sure it never was), a self-titled tape from 2006 that came in an edition of 13, some work with Johnny Scarr (aka Spoils & Relics), some apprently unreleased mammoth sessions and (undoutably) some obvious stuff that I have missed.

Six C90s in a semi-posh little box released on Poor Little Music in 2016 in an edition of 20 copies.

i sometimes wonder

what's moving underground

Lean on this first ...

