Yeast Culture, All Fours, Achim Wollscheid - Red Light Remixes

"Concrete assembly from live & field recordings made in Atlanta, Georgia at the Red Light Cafe for Suitcase Recordings' Paper and Plastic CD release event on Saturday, May 23, 1998. Field recordings were made around the Red Light Cafe and other Atlanta locations. Edited, produced and mixed July 2010 in Oregon. Both sides of the tape are the same." Released in 2010 as a cassette by Yeast Culture's own Incubator and Petri Supply labels (I'm not sure if those are different labels, or just two names for the same imprint) with YC's usual remarkable silk-screen art.

Yeast Culture, All Fours, Achim Wollschied - Red Light Remixes



  2. Petri Supply is for Yeast Culture alone, though it seems the label pressed up some LP's for Kapotte Muziek; Incubator was the name of the space inside an old building, Kalberer Hotel Supply, located in (I think) downtown Seattle (see also were made there, Abo did his silk screening, and there was also a record shop, kinda like a co-operative endeavor. The Incubator label was/is for releases by artists who had their music distributed by the shop, or had worked/collaborated with Yeast Culture. I'd love to read an oral history of this scene/time/place, but even in the age of information you can't document everything. Thanks for posting this and everything else--cheers!
