Wayne Butane - Backwash: The Best Of Wayne Butane 1993 - 2003

"This is a "Greatest Hits" containing bits and pieces from his previous cassette releases: Lawsuits Aplenty, Seduckted, Postauricular Flap, Purloined Chimp Hair, Eat Shit And Bark At The Moon, Pay Before Pumping, Meat Cannon and the 7" vinyl release Dead Monkey Arcade. Note: all these pieces are edited together in one long track. It was released as a CD-R and was available through his Flaming Canine web site."

CDr released on Flaming Canine in 2003 to the surprise of nobody.



  1. Whoa! New to me!! Thanx you!!!

  2. I really hope you upload Sucks Bigtime, it was my introduction to Wayne Butane and it's awesome
