Various - エレキの節穴~Electricholeye

There's a book/cd thing called Japanese Independent Music that I bought a long time ago. It describes OZ Music as an "absurdity of the punk / junk nihilist mill". Sounds great to me but unfortunately I haven't got to heard much of that output yet. OZ Music also had two sublabels: Daily Buy Or Die that released a tape on every day of 1995 (possibly all C10s). So yes, 365 tapes in one year (thanks for keeping up) and then nothing after that; and, E.H.E whose catalogue doesn't really appear to have been catalogued very much.

So. This is a double CD released on E.H.E in 1995. You get things like Sunshine Super Scum, Violent Onsen Geisha, Asshole Blues Players, Koji Asano and loads more. It's not MP3 btw.

i spy with my electric eye something beginning with wtf

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