Fushitsusha - Live at St John-at-Hackney Church, London, October 5th, 2012

Fushitsusha are obviously godhead. Relatively few people get to see them live so things like this are bordering on the sacred. Watching them in action makes all of the difference as far as I am concerned ... the ferocity followed by the studious attention to bring it back under control and then the trigger pulls to set it free again.

Revelations: Chapter all of them.

This is a dvd quality recording of the gig shot in black and white that I'm pretty sure has never been for sale. It was just recorded by fucking heroes and then went into the trader / sharity sub-basements.

the best use of a church ever


  1. I really am going to need a bigger NAS if you keep going on like this... thanks so much!

  2. I've seen colour footage of a small bit of this on twitter

  3. Outstanding, thank you! (And, for any fans of Yura Yura Teikoku, the bassist here is Chiyo Kamekawa!)

  4. Massive thank you as always...

  5. @ Bill ... I am and I hadn't even registered that ... that's officially impressive info ... ta mate!

    the next one is going to be a double dvd from Brussels a few days later that is (in colour and) even better

    Chiyo's attention in this one and the next one is crucial ... just hangs on very Haino vibe and then drives the entire bus ...

  6. Massive indeed. Shooting it in B/W is brilliance to go along with the heroism of the document as duly noted by our illustrious host. Heartiest of thanks for the post.

  7. Awesome. I was lucky enough to be at this concert and this is a great memento of a very memorable evening.
