Various - Jumping Jam / Rebel Street III

Originally, this was a double LP from 1984 that doesn't seem to have been given the Rebel Street suffix until the reissue. I think it's fair to say that this has "a certain charm". The Godzilla are head and shoulders above the competition and The Kids are alright but the majority carries the threat of The Brotherhood Of Man covering Blondie. However, the curse of new-wave synth-pop surely never trangressed more than Lolita's "After School Gay Boy". No, I'm not making it up. It's wrong in so many ways that it starts becoming really good until someone overhears you singing the chorus and you realise just how wrong it is. The original release had another 6 tracks and if they can compete with Lolita than I really do / don't need to hear them.

CD reissued on Japan Records in 1987. It's not MP3.

the third rebel street

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