Lubricated Goat - Psychedelicatessen

Whilst trying to repair my computer, I ended up listening to these for the first time in a long time. A great Australian bunch of noise-rock fuck-ups who deserved way more attention than they ended up getting. Admittedly, this wasn't helped by the singer getting tour-stabbed the year after this release. They reformed a while later with people from Cop Shoot Cop in tow. It might be a dumb name for a band (it depends what gets you through the night I suppose) but they knew what they were all about and did it very well. Unlike fucking Microsoft ...

Originally released on Black Eye Records in 1990 that was given a wider audience on the consistently great Amphetamine Reptile Records. Wow, thirty years ago.

they had one job


  1. YESSSS! have the vinyl...but this will surely up my bad digital copy ha...saw them on a slight reunion thing in Brooklyn in c2014ish maybe?...small apparently Stu is still around, making his own teeth etc (true)...

  2. Got in a fight with someone when I saw these guys play live.
    Ah, the good ol' days.

  3. Played a gig opening for these guys on this tour, a few of them stayed at my place. Nice, fine Aussie blokes.

    And Tony from the Cows.
