Brötzmann / Bennink - Schwarzwaldfahrt

Peter Brötzmann and Han Bennink recorded from the 9th to the 11th of May, 1977, in the Blackforest near Aufen and at the Schwarzenbach-Talsperre. The first disc was released on vinyl in 1977 and the remainder was previously unheard.

A double CD released on Atavistic in 2005 as part of their excellent Unheard Music Series. It's not MP3.



  1. Thank you for the post. I have dozens of "favorite" Brotzmann recordings. I retain a special fondness for this one because of the music and the concept that yielded it: "let's go into the woods to make improv jazz and see what happens".

    It doesn't get any more exploratory--literally--than that.
