An Innocent Young Throat-Cutter - It Kills And Devours The Male

The reaction of Malaria in one days time when she finally realises that it wasn't his real hair after all and she is entitled to half of his wealth in the divorce settlement. Yes, the final reckoning when she contemplates selling her soul for 50% of nothing.

Richard Ramirez building walls that the orange Emporer could only dream of on this double C92 set released on Meaning Corrupted in 2013. It's not MP3.

The irony of an orange white supremacist is lost on them.

I guess that's the state of American education these days.

Oh yeah, before I forget ... Fuck Trump and his Space Force!


  1. one more day is all!! Did I ever send you my Richard Ramirez set?

  2. wal, then here it is

    richard ramirez

    july 16, 2006


    portland, or

    aud dpa 4061's>spsb3>d100
