Artificial Memory Trace / MSBR - Split

I could have sworn that I posted this about ten years ago. Apparently not. I'm sure, I'll get the hang of this remembering shit soon. Insert festive pantomime chorus "oh no you won't!". Erm, where was I? Oh yeah, I really should have posted this sooner and daily from then on. I can't think of a better contrast of styles on a split release. Slavek Kwi gives some typically wonderful slow motion ambient metal junk with a real feeling from SleepResearch_Facility's Nostromo ... empty spaces / potential threat / metal straining to contain the outside (but obviously no barking dogs and trumpet or Test Dept. drumming ... oh, fuck it, why do I bother?). If you're familiar with it you will hear what I mean. If you disagree, I won't be offended because I've already forgotten what I've said. The second track is the wonderful Koji Tano. Oh already there are you ... well ain't you clever?

A genuinely great CDr released on MSBR Records in 2001 in an edition of 100.

oh, yes i will

1 comment:

  1. I'll listen to anything MSBR is on, splits included of course. And consequently I end up learning about such an amazing variety of musicians I otherwise might never have learned about. Koji Tano continues to succeed in his mission of bringing the experimental music community together, even well after his death.
