Various - The Magnetic Spine Review / The Wireless Spine Review

This is a collaborative work between Randy Greif and just about every important person within his orbit at the time ... too many to mention but the idea is:

"THE MAGNETIC SPINE REVIEW is a composite of raw, or unfinished material that was sent to me in 1984 by the people and groups that were distributed on the Swinging Axe Productions label. I mixed this material together with some of my own, usually overlapping at least two different submissions by different groups. From its inception, this was considered a collaborative work."

"THE WIRELESS SPINE REVIEW, likewise, is a collaborative effort, bur, rather than mail, uses the telephone as the means to collaboration. One hundred invitations were sent out to people involved in the arts underground, both nationally and internationally. Most of these people are involved with music, however the participants included a variety of artistic disciplines. During the 24 hour period between midnight of May 31 and midnight of June 1, participants phoned in their contributions which were taped directly onto my answering machine and were limited to 30 seconds. The calls were amplified and monitored by an audience in Los Angeles. This tape represents an international collaboration, an "instant" document, and a live performance (or performances) attended by an audience thousands of miles away."

C62 released on Swinging Axe Productions in 1985.

Magnetic Wireless


  1. GREAT!!! Any more "strange" tapes from Swinging Axe label?
