Taint - Misogynist Lust

On a more serious note, we lost Keith Brewer late last year. I didn't want to mark it at the time but maybe he'd think that it's an appropriate time to raise a beer!

A C48 courtesy of Taint Entertainment that came in an edition of twenty eight in one nine nine eight.

fuck cancer


  1. Amazing!

    Thank you very much for this...if my memory serves I sent you e-mail about Keith dead...fuck

    It is a great memory of amazing person like Keith

    RIP, dear friend...

  2. I used to hang out with Keith some in '91 when I lived in Waco going to TSTI and he worked at the car wash. Pretty cool guy- we traded vhs exploitation and gore tapes. I still have a few of his old 'zines A Taste of Bile and Break*Neck (his metal 'zine he did before ATOB).
    Thanks for posting...
