OFF! - Learn To Obey

This is a very enjoyable outfit headed up by the former Black Flag / Circle Jerks front man. It's good to remember that the fire doesn't need to die out.

A 7" courtesy of Vice Records for Record Stores Day in 2014.

first they came for the socialists ... and Nexist did not speak out ... he just waited his turn like a good boy


  1. and to paraphrase the Tubes "white punk on dope".

    step away from the pipe before it is too late

  2. Regarding the music, then: this outfit OFF! torches it live. Mr. Morris remains as piss-virulent as ever at the mic. Thanks for the post. And for the side turn through intellectual chin-scratching in the Comment section. Nice one-two that made my evening. Thanks all!

  3. I do find it amusing that I attack positions and ideas (with facts and logic) while all I get back are personal insults and vague (& ineffective) guilt trips.

    I do find it amusing that opposing the arsonists is "watching the world burn" but again, research shows that partisans have an inability to assess data that contradicts their world view (i.e. what they want to believe) [Haidt et al].

  4. Because people don't read the comments of a noise blog to get pwned/have their world rocked by your red pill nonsense. But by all means keep on being brave and attacking ignorance with your FACTS AND LOGIC missle. You'll absolutely make a difference and change minds.

  5. Mjy ... you've left your microphone behind ...

  6. What do you want from life? A brighter day? Stand up and shout! Proud to be an American.
