Fossils - Black In Black BoxXx

I've been listening to a lot of Middle James Co. / Hermitage Tapes style loveliness recently and my mind lurched back to this post from over nine years ago. It's a collection of tapes released on MJC in 2007 in an edition of 11. I've gone back and made some tweaks to the original rip and it sounds so much better than before so if you got it then, get this instead. Casual observers of the blog ... walk away now.

Anyway, in anticipation of me reposting this in 2020, DP dropped the following descriptions into the comments just to save me the mental effort:

"middle james co. is proud to present...4 x cassette box set

mjc140-143 fossils "black in black boxXx" nonstop onslaught from this Hamilton collective can you dig it?

mjc140 c90 ~ home spun jams ghetto style to tape at mjc hq summer/fall 2007 ~

core trio of Payne, Johnson & Buchan shoot to thrill= tapes destroyed guitar crunching metal horn ripping decay~train garage garbage can vibes~ hiss and swirl of fire tornado

mjc141 c90 fossils family; mixed-up bag of cuts and bruisers ~ various incarnations from the dogs boneyard.~.

recorded to tape in various locations in Hamilton...\\duo to four-piece always wtf---fossils3 welcome Steve Smith (Thousand Year Frog), Johnny Scarr (Mantile),Darcy Atkinson (Autoerotic Asphyxiation) and/or Josh St. Denis(Ghostfood) ~~~ jungle junk & zoo drool~ storm of rambling roadside puzzles feedback flutes and fruits steeping time guts of trilobites casting stoned lost at sea lost in noise pollution swallowing wandering.

mjc142 slomo weirdoh back to black recycled tape. DJ Payne-cake remixx~

heavy icing drips can't hide what's inside~ undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined underwaterwalking friends symbolize certain darkness rolls in rolls by blueroommachines and electricity a streets rain covered grey sky drainage with insects

mjc143 c20 ~ total akktion zombie--

takin out the trash complete mess mash crust breakthrus remix of mjc114 "zombie black" tape in Fag Tapes Action Mono style // seperate cuts in either speaker - listen simultaneously or seperate. 3 tapes in 1 ! dirty worms can crawl"




  1. Caligari:
    just a quick listening through
    all the records...
    an absolute masterpiece!
    and there was a time i didn't
    appreciate the fossils...
    ah my foolishness!

  2. not my kind of noise?

    my work here is done :)

    ... erm ... how do you mic drop in the comments section of a blog?

  3. Caligari:
    ... erm ... how do you mic drop in the comments section of a blog?
    i don't understand that slang, please rewrite that in basic english!

  4. Caligari:
    and i still
    don't like abstract noise anyway :-)

  5. ah, it's all lies :)

    is so basic it's mispronounced

    it comes from MC rap battles ... when they hit the "opponent" so hard there is no coming back ... complete triumph ... drop the mic(rophone) and walk away ...

  6. Caligari:
    ah ok. ;-D
