Mothra - The Remains Of Life

Mothra are Masahiko Okubo (Linekraft and Oozepus), Jun-ichi Takahashi (Screloma), Fumihiro Kojima, and Masahito Nozu. You even get Kohei Nakagawa (as Guilty Connector) joining in the organised carnage on one track. This is a broiling pot of noise styles so take a punt on your own description. It's very good.

This is their first release, a CD on Three Plugs Records from 2002. If you like this you might be interested in the vinyl reissue of their second release Doom Patrol that has just hit the Cold Spring shelves.

Life ... huh ... yeah. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing! Say it again y'all!


  1. somethings funky with the link.

    Thanks for all you do!!!

  2. Nah, no funk was harmed in the creation of this post.

    I just forgot to add the link. Coz I'm a dick.

  3. They only released three things as far as I know. This and the Doom Patrol (that has just been re-released so won't be posted) and there is a CDr from 2007 called "There Is A Capital Under The Sea" but I have never heard that. There are a couple for sale in Germany but at the minute I just can't afford it.
