va - Nothing Short of Total War

The CD version of a 1989 Blast First compilation, notable for containing a Sonic Youth song with the impressive title "Come and Smash Me Said the Boy With the Magic Penis and also a song by Sonic Youth alter ego Ciccone Youth and one by Lee Ranaldo solo. Also has exclusive scorchers by Butthole Surfers (from back when they were good), Big Stick, Dinosaur Jr., Arsenal, Ut, Big Black, Head of David and Rapeman. Just to be dicks, the label decided to release this CD as all one track, which is both intentionally annoying and kinda of funny.

va - Nothing Short of Total War


  1. This is a great comp! I bought the vinyl so had no idea the CD was on one track ... downloaded for a nice single track flashback!

  2. Thanks for this CD version with four bonus tracks.
    I've split the single audio file into 20 songs.
    The result (if you need it) can be found here:
    Best wishes
    Pueppi Perle

  3. Nice compilation. I have the CD and I've also got this as a collection of 7" singles in a box, which are slightly more player friendly than the CD!

  4. Great comp. The snippet of the Big Black "interview" is hilarious.
