Jessica Rylan / Can't - Terror Tapes 10

So ... there are many many things that me and Mrs Inside agree on.

There are four pertinent elements here: Jessica Rylan; Can't; David Payne; David Payne's beautifully prosyletising Middle James Co label extravaganza.

Personally, it was "why thank you Mr Payne, i will buy all of your wares today". Sometimes you are just lucky enough to be paying attention at the right time.

Buy anything on MJC. Then rip it. Then post it.

This is a C60 from 2006 and there were 27 copies. Here's a rip of one of those copies.

Terror Tapes 10


  1. Just grabbed all of her stuff at once and want to thank you very much.

  2. Thank you for this.

    Could you upload split with C. Spencer Yeh and Mike Shiflet?

    Thanks in advance!
