MNS - Incredible Noise Guitar

There isn't enough music out there by guitarist Naoaki Miyamoto, aka Musik No Sense or just MNS for short. He self-released this aptly-titled CD and a lathe-cut 7" (yet unheard by me) in 1998 and a 7" with Stabat Mors in 2003. Under his own name, he made a few solo albums, one album with Satanic Abandoned Rock n' Roll Society (a band consisting of Miyamoto, Tetuzi Akiyama, Utah Kawasaki, and the great Atsuhiro Ito, who plays amplified florescent light bulbs) and one guitar duel with Kawabata Makoto. And so, enjoy this rare document of exactly what the title promises. Fans of Solmania, Diesel Guitar/s  or Total will surely love this.

MNS - Incredible Noise Guitar

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