Melvins & Steel Pole Bathtub - Sweet Young Thing Ain't Sweet No More / I Dreamed I Dream

This is from memory but to be honest, that's never stopped me before. Apart from being a great piece of work, it's layered in meaning. The cover itself mimics the Mudhoney / Sonic Youth Sub Pop single from the previous year. Then you add in that Matt Lukin was a founder member of Melvins and then left to join Mudhoney ... hence the toilet on their half of the sleeve and the choice of song. Positively sulphuric in it's response and that cheers me up! SPBT cover a great SY track. Bonus.

7" released on Boner / Tupelo in 1989.

Sweet Young Dream


  1. Digging all the recent Steel Pole Bathtub shares -- thank you!

  2. I believe the story is that Lukin was passive aggressively booted from the band by them telling him the band was breaking up, then moving to SF with Buzz's girlfriend (daughter of Shirley Temple and former member of Clown Alley, further Melvins connections there via Mark Deutrom) becoming the bassist. Lukin is funny about this, and pretty much everything else, in the Mudhoney documentary. Steel Pole's drummer was also in Mr. Epp with Mudhoney's Mark Arm and Steve Turner. I'll stop the nerd memory spiral there.

  3. well you already had me before you said the daughter of Shirley Temple (imagine when we're all gone and the human race realised that freezing our brains after death wasn't worth the investment).

    i really should know this but what is the mudhoney doc?
