Harry Pussy - Let's Build A Pussy

Harry Pussy were a genius noise-rock wtf crew where the drummer hits her sticks 1-2-3 and everybody piles in on the 4. You can literally hear property prices plunging everywhere they are played. Magnificent chaos all around frankly. So I was checking the tags on a few ideas and saw a review of this on Discogs: "Stupidest album of all-time. Totally unlistenable and not in a fun way."

So erm, yeah! Obviously!

From a review: "Consisting of an hour long piece of Bill Orcutt time-stretching a second of Adris Hoyos’ voice into a slow shifting drone. A piece of music you will love or hate, with not much for anything in between."

Originally released as a double LP on Blackbean And Placenta Tape Club (an admirable purveyor of weird shit), it was released after they split up and didn't exist as a collective. It's more we are all dead and this is what happens when the lights start to dim. It's fun for all of the family. It must have massively disappointed the prior devotees because this was not what they expected.

This is a flac rip of the double LP reissue on Editions Mego from 2012.




  1. I hate to be a pedant, but i think you mean "the drummer hits HER sticks". Adris Hoyos is the greatest drummer in the history of music.

  2. Thx--had a file of the original, now lost. Have the 2lp reissue, but now a file too :)

  3. No it's a fair cop! I know Adris is female, i'll put it down to rushing a post through half drunk without reviewing it properly your honours!

  4. Caligari:
    so good
